Best tank battle for azeroth on you tube
Best tank battle for azeroth on you tube

best tank battle for azeroth on you tube

  • Increased Melee While buffed by Gilded Claws, the boss deals increased physical damage.
  • Stand in red during cast When the boss casts Transfusion, step into red pools ( Tainted Blood) to reverse the effects.
  • Kill all the trash around the boss, as it will all come once she is pulled.
  • Prioritize Construct Kill the Colossus first (he heals when other mobs are killed near him).
  • Stand in red pools during Priestess’s Transfusion.
  • A common path is left to Priestess > across the bridge to Vol’kaal > down the stairs to Rezan.

    best tank battle for azeroth on you tube best tank battle for azeroth on you tube

    You can kill the first three bosses in any order, though you have to kill either Vol’kaal (right) or Priestess (left) before unlocking the bridge connecting the two.

    Best tank battle for azeroth on you tube