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  • Request for Permission to Use the DOE Logo, Seal or Word Mark by a non-DOE Entity.
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    Guidance on usage of the DOE Seal and Logo.There is a Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) regarding the DOE graphical identifier at: An official DOE graphical identifier cannot be used in a manner that has an implied or explicit endorsement of any private company, service, product or activities. The DOE word mark is also a graphical identifier of the Department, and is meant for use by exception where the seal or logo sizing and/or readability requirements cannot be met.Įxternally (non-DOE), the official identifiers could be used to recognize funding, support, or other formal involvement of the Department if: there is an official relationship between the Department and the external initiative, event, or information the usage has proper qualifying language, and context, to explain its presence on non-DOE materials, and is properly separated from other material not related to the DOE information the DOE office whose involvement is being recognized approves of this method of recognition and it is reviewed and explicitly approved by an appropriate organizational representative of the Department. They should not be used on unofficial communications that do not reach the level of an official statement by the Department. Department of Energy endorses the information. They are to be used on official Departmental publications and communications to identify the source of the information, and to properly represent that the U.S. Department of Energy and are meant for official use only. The DOE seal and logo are official graphical identifiers of the U.S.

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